Imperial Outcast
"The Empire is a sinking ship, a dying relic of a world that the fires of Abyss are reforging, even now. True madness would be to stay before the Imperial banner."
The Imperial Outcast is a warrior class that represents fighters who have forsaken the Gwideo Empire and turned to Demogorgon's side. Like it's sister class, the Rusted Savant, it focuses around the traitor's i

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Feats: Evil Brand, Thrall to Demon (Demogorgon)
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 2 ranks, Intimidate 8 ranks
Special: Must have been a citizen of the Gwideo Empire who renounced the Empire and his sworn his/her allegiance to Demogorgon. He may be used as an open combatant, or as a hidden foe among Imperial ranks.
Hit Die: d10
Base Attack: Full
Good Save: Fortitude
Bad Saves: Reflex, Will
Skills: 4+INT/level
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (religion), Perception, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: An Imperial Outcast is proficient with all martial weapons. He gains no new armor proficiencies.
Class Features:
1-Madness, Charity of Madness, Witchveil, Smite Infidel
-Madness: A number of the Imperial Outcast's class features cause him Wisdom damage or drain. This is the effect of madness taking their toll on the Outcast's mind. Note that this damage can reduce an Outcast's Wisdom score to 0, causing him to completely lose touch with reality, sending his mind reeling while his body drops to ground, helpless, as soon as the action to which Madness is being applied is completed. He remains in this state until his Wisdom score is raised to at least 1. Should the Outcast avoid the Wisdom damage in some way, madness does not transfer properly and the effect is lost.
-Charity of Madness: An Imperial Outcast's mind is like a shattered mirror--fascinating and unique, but inherently broken. While his madness is incurable, what's left of his consciousness has learned to adapt, returning to its chaotic state with ease. An Imperial Outcast heals 1 point of mental ability damage per hour, and 1 point of mental ability drain per day.
-Witchveil: The Headless Witch bestows her glamered blessing on the Imperial Outcast, protecting him from Imperial Witchhunters. Any attempt to detect an Imperial Outcast's alignment reports him to be Lawful Good, as well as masking any Vile feats he possesses or Evil items he carries.
-Smite Infidel: An Imperial Outcast may channel his madness into a powerful melee attack against any foe who is not Chaotic Evil. A Smite can be performed as a free action when making a melee attack. The Outcast adds his Charisma bonus to the attack roll and his class level to the damage roll. In addition, his attack is considered to be Evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Each time an Outcast uses this ability, he takes 1 point of Wisdom damage. An Outcast has no limit on the number of times he can use this ability per day, but he cannot use it more than once per round. A Smite attempted against a Chaotic Evil foe not only fails, but causes the Outcast 1 additional point of Wisdom damage.
2-Reaching Touch 1/day
-Reaching Touch: An Imperial Outcast can mimic Demogorgon's tentacles by tapping into the madness that rules his mind. As a swift action, the Outcast can add an additional 5 feet of reach to his attacks for 1 round. Using this ability causes 2 points of Wisdom damage to the Outcast. This ability can be invoked once per day at level 2, and a second time at level 4.
3-Blood Madness, Bonus Feat
-Blood Madness: An Imperial Outcast of level 3 or higher can transfer his madness into the very flesh of a foe. As a touch attack, the Outcast deals 1 point of Wisdom drain to himself and 1d6 point of Constitution damage to his target. If the touch attack misses, the Outcast still takes Wisdom damage but the Constitution damage is wasted. An Outcast may invoke this ability three times each day.
-Bonus Feat: At level 3, an Imperial Outcast may choose a bonus feat. It must be either a Vile feat or listed as a Fighter bonus feat.
4-Suggestion, Reaching Touch 2/day
-Suggestion: At level 4, the Imperial Outcast gains the ability to use Suggestion as a spell-like ability at will. Lawful Good targets recieve a -2 penalty to their save against this ability, and using this ability deals 1 point of Wisdom drain to the Outcast.
5-Emulate Demogorgon
-Emulate Demogorgon: Upon achieving level 5, an Imperial Outcast has earned the right to act as Demogorgon does, albeit with a cost. As a Swift action, an Outcast can take an extra round's worth of actions in a turn. This ability does not make any additional time pass, so effects that measure an amount of time (for example, spell durations or preparation for making a Death Attack) only count down one round, but the Outcast can make any combination of two rounds' worth of actions that turn. Using this ability deals the Outcast 2 points of Wisdom damage and 2 points of Wisdom drain. This ability has no limit on the number of times it can be used each day, but it requires at least 5 minutes of downtime between each use.
Rusted Savant
"While it is true that the Empire was founded by the greatest wizard in recorded history, the legions of the Abyss have knowledge that stretches back to the Dawn of Time. Claiming that the Gwideo Empire is a bastion of magic compared to the Abyss is like saying that the most beautiful woman who ever lived is one you saw this morning."
The Rusted Savant is a caster formerly loyal to the Empire who has forsaken his homeland and sided with Demogorgon. He takes his name from the rust colored robes favored by the cultists during the Serpent War. Like the Imperial Outcast, his game mechanics focus on exploiting his madness.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Feats: Thrall to Demon (Demogorgon), Corrupt Spell, any other metamagic feat
Spell-like abilities/Spellcasting: Caster level 5th
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 2 ranks
Special: Must have been a citizen of the Gwideo Empire who renounced the Empire and has sworn his/her allegiance to Demogorgon. He may be used as an open combatant, or as a hidden foe among Imperial ranks.

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack: Half
Good Save: Will
Bad Saves: Fortitude, Reflex
Skills: 2+INT/level
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (religion), Linguistics, Profession, Spellcraft
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: A Rusted Savant gains proficiency with all simple weapons and one martial weapon of his choice. He gains no new armor proficiencies.
Class Features:
1-Madness, Charity of Madness, Witchveil, Madness Magic, Spellcasting
-Spellcasting: At each level, a Rusted Savant gains a level of spellcasting or Invocation use as if he had gained a level in a casting class he previously belonged to. He gains no other benefits of that class.
-Madness: A number of the Rusted Savant's class features cause him Wisdom damage or drain. This is the effect of madness taking their toll on the Savant's mind. Note that this damage can reduce an Savant's Wisdom score to 0, causing him to completely lose touch with reality, sending his mind reeling while his body drops to ground, helpless, as soon as the action to which Madness is being applied is completed. He remains in this state until his Wisdom score is raised to at least 1. Should the Savant avoid the Wisdom damage in some way, madness does not transfer properly and the effect is lost.
-Charity of Madness: A Rusted Savant's mind is like a shattered mirror--fascinating and unique, but inherently broken. While his madness is incurable, what's left of his consciousness has learned to adapt, returning to its chaotic state with ease. Rusted Savant heals 1 point of mental ability damage per hour, and 1 point of mental ability drain per day.
-Witchveil: The Headless Witch bestows her glamered blessing on the Rusted Savant, protecting him from Imperial Witchhunters. Any attempt to detect a Rusted Savant's alignment reports him to be Lawful Good, as well as concealing any Vile feats he possesses and evil items on his person
-Madness Magic: A Rusted Savant may consume his own sanity to improve the potency of his spells. A Rusted Savant may reduce the level adjustment of a metamagic feat when he applies it to a spell by taking damage to his Wisdom score equal to the level adjustment reduction. This damage is taken as the spell is cast, and cannot reduce a level adjustment by more than half the Rusted Savant's class level, rounded up. For example, a Sorceror 5/Rusted Savant 2 could cast Empowered (+2 spell level) Scorching Ray (2nd level spell) out of a third level slot and take 1 point of Wisdom damage. Likewise, a Wizard 5/Rusted Savant 2 could prepare any number of Empowered spells in a slot 1 level above their normal spell level, but would take 2 points of Wisdom damage each time such a spell is cast. If a Rusted Savant's Wisdom score returns to its normal value, any lasting effects of Madness Magic immediately dissipate, dispelling the entire effect.
2-Suffocating Madness (-1)
-Suffocating Madness: At level 2, a Savant learns a new way to entangle his magic with his own madness. By dealing himself 1 point of Wisdom damage, a Rusted Savant can cause all nonevil creatures within the area of effect of the next spell he casts to receive a -1 penalty on their saving throws. Applying this ability multiple times will not cause the penalties to stack. At level 4, the Savant may double the Wisdom damage to incur a -2 penalty instead.
3-Mind to Body, Bonus Feat
-Mind to Body: At level 3, a Rusted Savant can transfer his madness into the flesh of a foe, ravaging it. The Savant gains Contagion as a spell-like ability, usable three times per day. Lawful Good targets recieve a -2 penalty to their saves against the ability. Each use of this ability causes the Savant 1 point of Wisdom drain.
If this ability is used against a Paladin or similar Lawful-Good aligned foe with disease immunity, Demogorgon's greatest spite is directed against the target. The target must make their Fortitude saving throw as usual, but upon a failed save, the target loses all class features of the class that granted him disease immunity for a number of rounds equal to the Savant's class level.
-Bonus Feat: At level 3, a Rusted Savant may choose a Metamagic, Vile, or Reserve feat as a bonus feat. He must still meet the prerequisites for that feat.
4-Suffocating Madness (-2)
5-Emulate Demogorgon
-Emulate Demogorgon: Upon achieving level 5, a Rusted Savant has earned the right to channel a small amount of Demogorgon's power, albeit with a cost. As a standard action, the Savant can use one of two Gaze attacks that effect all foes within 30 feet who do not have their eyes averted or covered. Beguiling Gaze acts as Charm Monster, while Insanity Gaze acts as Confusion. In addition, if two Savants work together, each foe affected by both gazes are instead affect by an effect similar to Hypnotism accept that they recieve no saving throw bonus and there is no hit die limit. Each attack has a save DC of 15+Savant's Charisma Modifier, and causes 2 points of Wisdom damage and 2 points of Wisdom Drain to the Savant each time it is invoked.