
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d10
Base Attack Bonus: Average (as Rogue)
Good Saves: Fortitude, Will
Bad Save: Reflex
Skill Points per Level: 4+INT
Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local, Nobility, and Religion only), Linguistics, Perform, Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Swim
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: The Marshal is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all types of armor, and with shields (but not tower shields)
Class Features:
1-Skill Focus, Minor Aura (1 Known)
-Skill Focus: A Marshal's leadership training is more rigorous than most. As a result, he gains Skill Focus as a bonus feat at level 1. The Marshal may select Skill Focus to apply to any Marshal class skill.
-Minor Auras (Ex): Marshal Auras (Major and Minor) represent the skills of leadership exhibited by a Marshal. Auras bestow a competence bonus on all allies within 60 feet with and an intelligence score of at least 3, including the Marshal himself. Activating an Aura is a swift action, and once activated, an Aura lasts until the Marshal disables it (another swift action), activates another Aura of the same type (Major or Minor), or until the Marshal is rendered unconscious or dead (including normal sleep). Most Marshals activate their Auras each morning upon waking and allow them to persist until sleep.
At level 1, the Marshall learns one Minor Aura, taken from the Minor Aura list (see below). The Marshall learns one additional Minor Aura at every odd level.
Any bonus granted by a Minor Aura is a Competence bonus equal to the Marshal's charisma modifier.
2-Major Aura Bonus 1, Major Aura (1 known)
-Major Auras (Ex): At level 2, the Marshal learns his first Major Aura. The effects of Major Auras are more general than those of Minor Auras, but the Marshal learns comparatively few of them. Rather than relying on the Marshal's charisma bonus to measure effectiveness, Major Auras' effectiveness is based on the Marshal's Major Aura Bonus, which increases to 2 at level 5, and by one every 5 levels thereafter (thus, the Marshal's Major Aura Bonus is 1 at level 2, 2 and level 5, 3 at level 10, 4 at level 15, and 5 at level 20).
A Marshal knows one Major Aura at level 2, taken from the Major Aura list (see below). He learns one additional Major Aura every three levels thereafter (levels 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20).
Note that since Major and Minor Auras both bestow Competence bonuses, their effects do not stack.
3-+1 Minor Aura Known
4-Shout 1/encounter, 1 known
Shout (Ex): Starting at level 4, a Marshal can let out a mighty shout to aid his allies. Using a Shout is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A Shout can only be used if the Marshal is capable of speech; thus, a pinned Marshal or a Marshal within the effects of Silence cannot use Shouts, but a Marshal that is merely grappled can. Shouts effect any ally within 60 feet with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher and capable of hearing the Marshal; an ally who is deafened, within the effect of Silence or otherwise unable to hear the Shout remains unaffected.
Unlike Auras, the Marshal himself is not affected by his own shouts.
At level 4, a Marshal knows 1 Shout and can Shout once each encounter. A Marshal can use any Shout he knows any number of times, up to his limit per encounter. A Marshal can shout one additional time per encounter for every 4 class levels (twice at level 8, three times at level 12, four times at level 16, and five times at level 20). A Marshal learns a new Shout at level 6, and every 4 levels thereafter (knowing 2 at level 6, 3 and level 10, 4 at level 14, and 5 at level 18). Shouts are chosen from Shout List (see below)
5-Major Aura Bonus 2, +1 Major Aura Known, +1 Minor Aura Known
6-+1 Shout Known
7-+1 Minor Aura Known
8-+1 Major Aura Known, Shout 2/Encounter
9-+1 Minor Aura Known
10-Major Aura Bonus 3, +1 Shout Known
11-+1 Minor Aura Known, +1 Major Aura Known
12-Shout 3/Encounter
13-+1 Minor Aura Known
14-+1 Major Aura Known, +1 Shout Known
15-Major Aura Bonus 4, +1 Minor Aura Known
16-Shout 4/Encounter
17-+1 Minor Aura Known, +1 Major Aura Known
18-+1 Shout Known
19-+1 Minor Aura Known
20-Major Aura Bonus 5, +1 Major Aura Known, Shout 5/Encounter
Minor Auras:
-Accurate Strike: Bonus to rolls made to confirm critical hits.
-Art of War: Bonus to Combat Maneuver rolls your allies make and to your allies Combat Maneuver Defense.
-Focused Defense: Bonus to a single saving throw, chosen when the Aura is activated.
-Master of Opportunity: Bonus to armor class against attacks of opportunity.
-Tactical Strike: Bonus to weapon damage rolls against flanked enemies.
-Over the Top: Bonus to attack rolls while charging.
-Motivate Body: Bonus to skill checks and ability checks corresponding to a single physical ability score (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), chosen when the Aura is activated. If Dexterity is chosen, the bonus also applies to Initiative checks. This aura does not affect saving throws.
-Motivate Mind: Bonus to skill checks and ability checks corresponding to a single mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma), chosen when the Aura is activated. This aura does not affect saving throws.
-Supernatural Defense: Bonus to touch AC (but not normal AC).
-Relentless Mercy: Bonus to damage rolls dealing nonlethal damage.
-Cooperative Effort: Bonus to rolls to which at least one successful Aid Another has been used.
-Destructive Tactics: Bonus to damage rolls against objects.
-Fracture Supernatural Defense: Bonus to checks to overcome Spell Resistance.
-Puncture Resistance: Bonus to elemental damage against foes who possess the appropriate resistance (for example, a bonus to fire damage, but only against foes who possess Fire Resistance). Puncture Resistance cannot add more damage than the resistance it is overcoming.
Major Auras:
-Hold the Line: Damage Reduction/- equal to bonus.
-No Mercy: Bonus to weapon damage rolls.
-Guided Strike: Bonus to melee attack rolls or ranged attack rolls, chosen when the Aura is activated.
-Defensive Stance: Bonus to armor class.
-Motivated March: Bonus to land speed, climb speed, fly speed, or swim speed equal to 5 times your Major Aura Bonus, chosen when the Aura is activated. Allies who do not already posses a move speed of the corresponding type does not gain a benefit from this aura.
-Resilience: Bonus to all saving throws.
-Physical Might: Bonus to all skill and ability checks that correspond to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, including Initiative checks. This Aura does not affect saving throws.
-Mental Superiority: Bonus to all skill and ability checks that correspond to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. This Aura does not affect saving throws.
-"Forward March!" - All affected allies may immediately take a move action.
-"Never Give Up!" - All affected allies gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Marshal level. Allies below half their maximum hit points instead gain double your Marshal level in temporary hit points. Temporary hit points granted this way overlap (do not stack).
-"Snap Out of It!" - All affected allies currently affected by a Mind-Affecting ability that allows a saving throw to end or negate may immediately make a Saving Throw against each such effect currently affecting them. On a successful save, the effect ends. Each ally may use your saving throw modifier if it is better than their own.
-"There's Nothing to Fear!" - All affected allies who are panicked become frightened. All affected allies who are frightened become shaken. All affected allies who are shaken cease to be shaken.
-"Incoming!" - All affected allies gain a miss chance against ranged attacks until the end of your next turn. The miss chance is 10% for each rank of your Major Aura Bonus.
-"Watch Yourself!" - All affected allies gain a miss chance against melee attacks until the end of your next turn. The miss chance is 10% for each rank of your Major Aura Bonus.
-"On Your Feet!" - All affected allies who are prone may immediately stand up as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
-"Be Yourself!" - All affected allies who are under the effect of a Polymorph effect may immediately make a saving throw to regain their normal form, even if the effect does not usually allow a save to end. Each ally may use your saving throw modifier if it is better than their own.
-"Fall Back!" - All affected allies may immediately make a full withdrawl.
-"We Are Unstoppable!" - Each affected ally gains total cover against the next attack directed against them until the end of your next turn.
-"Make Them Bleed!" - Each affected ally may immediately make a single attack. Treat this attack as an attack of opportunity in regards to what actions may be performed, but this attack does not count against the ally's limit of attacks of opportunity each round. Allies armed with ranged weapons may make ranged weapon attacks.
-"Find Their Weakness!" - The next weapon attack made by each affected ally automatically threatens a critical hit if it hits. This shout has no effect on allies that do not make a weapon attack before the end of your next turn or allies whose attack misses.
-"Stand Your Ground!" - Each affected ally gain a dodge bonus to Armor Class and a bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense equal to your Major Aura Bonus. These bonuses lasts until the end of your next turn or until that ally moves.
-"Regroup!" - Each affected ally gets a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity provoked by movement.
-"Focus!" - Each affect ally gets a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity that are not provoked by movement.
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