Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Coming Soon...

Hey everyone.

If i have time I'll finish the Warlord Article and post it this week. In the meantime i want to tell you all that i am very very very excited about several things going on in Otep.

What are they?

Well let me tell you.

A) Thom and I have worked out some really good scenario stuff for a 30 year time jump. Much of this was something i couldn't come up with on my own, and thanks to his (And Kat's) input i feel that a 30 year Jump is becoming more and more possible, more and more exciting, and can still be managed within continuity.

B) After hearing from nobody in quite some time, i have now heard that two of you are hard at work doing Cartography for our world. This is happiness, because pretty maps are much better than the ones i toss together in MS Paint.

C) With Andrew's help i'm working on fleshing out a few 'new' Villains that i feel will be a wonderful challenge for everyone to face.

In regards to the time jump...

a) Yes you can still play games set right after the crusade/ before the time jump. In fact i encourage it since i'll make it no secret... the Time Jump is going to introduce a lot of political infighting, moral and philosophical questions, and place the Empire in the Crosshairs for new adventure. But if you want to play a game in these relatively peaceful years it will always be open to you... just as much as the past is available.

b) If, after you see some of the timejump stuff, you want to run a campaign set in 530 and you don't want to run it at level 1, my recommendation (and one of my highest recommendations) is for you to run a prelude set before the time jump using these characters. Besides giving your campaign characters a wonderful back story tied to one another, besides giving them a viable reason for being above level 1, besides letting them get their ticks and tricks and personality quirks set up before really truly starting up a serious campaign... its just good fun in a lighter time.

Ok, thats it for now. The Time Jump stuff will probably be released at the end of August (after Andrew, Myself, Thom and Kat have an executive meeting in Indianapolis... come to Gencon if you want in *grin* ).

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